I suppose that if you got here, then your curiosity turned out to be stronger than the instinct for self-preservation.
In any case, you are here and reading this message.
I will allow myself to talk a little, for one I will bring you up to date.
At some point in my life, I suddenly realized that I was obsessed with one idea, namely the Labyrinth. Not an abstract concept, but a very specific place. Although the word "specific" is not quite appropriate here. This place is not really in our world. Something like Through the Looking Glass, or the Land of Oz. It seems to be there, and you can even get there, but you just can't find it. But first things first...
To be honest, I began to be interested in labyrinths since childhood. I was collected various intricate constructions from LEGO, drew all kinds of plans, loved stories about adventures and heroes. In my youth, I did not betray this value, but as I grew up, ideas, drawings, sketches gradually accumulated in me. And then one day, sorting through my old notes, I noticed that in one form or another there is an idea of the Labyrinth. A mystical place is hidden from sight.
At first, I tried to systematize this data, just to figure it out myself. But the more I read them, the more they consumed my mind, generating new ideas and questions. At some point, I found myself like those cheap sitcom guys obsessed with conspiracy theories - my whole room was littered with notes and drawings, some were glued to the wall... only a red thread was missing!
But I couldn't stop. The more I thought about the Labyrinth, the more I wanted to understand what it is. And I decided to find it. Armed with clues from my childhood notes and drawings, I set off in search of the Labyrinth...
I don't know for sure if it was schizophrenia, or maybe some other mental illness, but what opened my eyes as I moved towards my goal looked frightening. Then I was afraid to go to the doctors - I was afraid that they would close me in a psychiatric hospital or stuff me with some pills. Therefore, I had to be alone with my fears for a long time. But it paid off. Each person has to overcome something in his life. The Labyrinth was my test. Having passed this test, I became a new person. I will not say that it was some kind of shock, but rather a stage of growing up. I went through this stage and made a certain experience for myself.
I don't know who you are and what brings you here. Here I have left some of the notes that I made during my search for the Labyrinth. If you are wondering if you think you are ready, if you need it - you are welcome. Use my notes and try to find your Labyrinth. I do not know if you can handle it, and what you will find at the end of the path, but if I can help someone, it means that I have not gone through all this in vain.
Good luck!
