The city consists of not only streets. There are houses, parks, basements, and other places that usually slip away from the eyes. But more importantly, they have different properties at different times. If you walk at certain hours along certain routes, you can see what is usually hidden from view. You will get to places where the passage is usually closed. Although, these seemingly inaccessible places are visible. The only question arises: how do they exist, not allowing anyone inside themselves? But you can get there if you know the way. These walks along strange, intricate routes at certain hours are akin to rituals performed at certain times when the right stars will take their position in the sky. Having devoted enough time to this occupation, you can achieve a certain skill and obtain those properties that are necessary, using them for your purposes. And places, hidden by time, and buildings can serve as an excellent refuge from prying eyes and intentions. This is the same Edge that separates the familiar and bright streets of the city from the intricate and secret paths reminiscent of the Labyrinth, where it is easy to disappear with the wrong foot on the path. But if you spend enough time here, then in gratitude for your diligence, the secrets of this place will be revealed, giving you knowledge and power.
But even after gaining power over this place, one should be careful. After all, these routes and times are roamed by those, who were born in these places. They know them better than any of the newcomers. They have lived here since ancient times and hunt them. Therefore, remember, each careless step is a gift for those hiding in the Labyrinth. To protect yourself from them, you need to remember that they exist according to certain laws and rules. If you learn them, you can gain the power to overcome this tribe, which is hidden by the secret of the Labyrinth itself.
And the most important rule of all secret arts - having received knowledge or power, you must give something in return. Something of equal value. Therefore, be careful not to become a bargaining chip in someone's deal yourself. |